If you do Web application security assessments, this page is for you. We've gathered all of the tools and techniques discussed in Hacking Exposed: Web Applications (that we use every day as consultants) and cataloged them here. This is an abbreviated recitation of Appendix B in the book, with live hyperlinks for easy access. Keep your eyes on this space as we post custom scripts and tools from the authors!
Free Web Security Scanning Tools Nikto N-Stalker NStealth Free Edition Burp Suite Paros Proxy OWASP Webscarab
SQL Injection SQL Power Injector by Francois Larouche Bobcat (based on "Data Thief" by Application Security, Inc.). Absinthe - free blind SQL injection tool SQLInjector by David Litchfield NGS Software database tools
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) RSnake's XSS Cheat Sheet XSS-Proxy
IE Extensions for HTTP Analysis TamperIE IEWatch IE Headers IE Developer Toolbar IE 5 Powertoys for WebDevs
Firefox Extensions for HTTP Analysis LiveHTTP Headers Tamper Data Modify Headers
HTTP/S Proxy Tools Paros Proxy WebScarab Fiddler HTTP Debugging Proxy Burp Intruder WatchFire PowerTools
Command-line HTTP/S Tools cURL Netcat Sslproxy Openssl Stunnel
Sample Applications Bayden Systems' "sandbox" online shopping application Foundstone Hacme Bank and Hacme Books
Web Site Crawling/Mirroring Tools Lynx Wget Teleport Pro Black Widow Offline Explorer Pro
Profiling HTTPrint for fingerprinting web servers Jad, the Java Dissasembler Google search using "+www.victim.+com" Google search using 뱎arent directory? robots.txt
Web Platform Attacks and Countermeasures Microsoft IIS Security Bulletins and Advisories Apache Security Bulletins Metasploit Framework Microsoft URLScan Apache ModSecurity
Commercial Web App Vulnerability Scanners Acunetix Enterprise Web Vulnerability Scanner Cenzic Hailstorm Ecyware GreenBlue Inspector Syhunt Sandcat Suite SPI Dynamics WebInspect Watchfire AppScan NTObjectives NTOSpider Compuware DevPartner SecurityChecker WhiteHat Security
Web Authentication Attack Tools Brutus AET2 Hydra WebCracker NTLM Authentication Proxy Server (APS)
XML Web Services (SOAP) WebService Studio WSDigger SoapClient.com XML eXternal Entity (XXE) Attack XPath Injection "Blind XPath Injection" by Amit Klein |