오래전 이야기/Open Tools
스크립트에 scp를 사용하는 법(No password)
리눅스 엔지니어였던
2008. 9. 15. 17:47
Un-attended login
When batch scripts require secure access to remote hosts, i.e. no user to type in the password, an un-attended-login is required. This is achieved by copying the requesting user's authentication key from the source host to the target host into a file called .ssh/authorized_keys. E.g. to set up an un-attended login for 'user' on host2 when connecting from host1: -
user@host1> cd; mkdir .ssh
user@host1> ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f .ssh/id_rsa
user@host1> scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host2:user_host1_key #requires password
user@host1> ssh -l user host2 'mkdir .ssh; cat user_host1_key >> .ssh/authorized_keys' #requires password
user@host1> ssh -l user host2 'ls -la' #Does NOT require password
The ssh-keygen command generates the user's key for host1. Thus, when added to the authorized-keys file on host2 allows user on host1 to login into user account on host2 without entering interactive mode to enter the password, i.e. un-attended login.
When batch scripts require secure access to remote hosts, i.e. no user to type in the password, an un-attended-login is required. This is achieved by copying the requesting user's authentication key from the source host to the target host into a file called .ssh/authorized_keys. E.g. to set up an un-attended login for 'user' on host2 when connecting from host1: -
user@host1> cd; mkdir .ssh
user@host1> ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f .ssh/id_rsa
user@host1> scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host2:user_host1_key #requires password
user@host1> ssh -l user host2 'mkdir .ssh; cat user_host1_key >> .ssh/authorized_keys' #requires password
user@host1> ssh -l user host2 'ls -la' #Does NOT require password
The ssh-keygen command generates the user's key for host1. Thus, when added to the authorized-keys file on host2 allows user on host1 to login into user account on host2 without entering interactive mode to enter the password, i.e. un-attended login.
< 출처: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1100078&page=1 >