아파치의 ssl 패스워드를 잊어버렸을때..
일반적으로 https를 쓰기위해서는 아파치 시작시 apachectl startssl 을 해야 한다.
그리고 우리는 설치시 정했던 패스워드를 넣어야 한다. 하지만 기억이 안난다면..-_-;
그냥 실행시키자..
The reason why this dialog pops up at startup and every re-start is that the RSA private key inside your server.key file is stored in encrypted format for security reasons. The pass-phrase is needed to be able to read and parse this file. When you can be sure that your server is secure enough you perform two steps:
- Remove the encryption from the RSA private key (while preserving the original file):
$ cp server.key server.key.org
$ openssl rsa -in server.key.org -out server.key
- Make sure the server.key file is now only readable by root:
$ chmod 400 server.key
Now server.key
will contain an unencrypted copy of the key. If you point your server at this file it will not prompt you for a pass-phrase. HOWEVER, if anyone gets this key they will be able to impersonate you on the net. PLEASE make sure that the permissions on that file are really such that only root or the web server user can read it (preferably get your web server to start as root but run as another server, and have the key readable only by root).
As an alternative approach you can use the ``SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/path/to/program
'' facility. But keep in mind that this is neither more nor less secure, of course.
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