우선 http://bigsister.graeff.com/download.html 에서 원하는 버전을 받는다.
총 3개의 파일이 있다.
금일 최신버전은 bigsister-0.98c8-2.noarch.rpm, bigsister-agent-0.98c8-2.noarch.rpm,
bigsister-server-0.98c8-2.noarch.rpm 이다.
기본적으로는 bigsister의 버전을 설치하고, 서버인지 에이전트인지에 따라서 알맞은 패키지를 설치한다.
bigsis라는 유저를 생성해준다.
adduser bigsis
기본적인 디렉토리는 /etc/bigsister/이며 이곳에 필요한 파일들이 존재한다.
손댈 파일은 uxmon-net이라는 에이전트 파일이며, 퍼미션이 root 되어있는 파일들을 접근하기 위해서는 uxmon-asroot라는 파일을 만들어준다.
touch uxmon-asroot
시작은 /etc/rc.d/init.d/bigsister start로 시작이 된다.
데몬 시작시 자동으로 설치되있는 httpd.conf에 다음 내용이 추가가 되는데
없다면 추가해주어야 한다.
Include /etc/bigsister/httpd.conf
#문제 해결
1.ping이 구현이 잘 안될때가 있는데 그럴때는 fping이라는 패키지를 설치하면 해결된다.
uxmon-net 수정.
DEFAULT proto=fping ping
2.net의 상태가 계속 빨간색일때(network output overload)
넷트웍 스피드를 자신의 NIC에 맞게 수정.
uxmon-neet 수정
localhost speed=100Mb/s network
3. rrdtool 이용.
By default RRDTool installs where Big Sister will not find
it, e.g. it installs the "rrdtool" binary
in /usr/local/bin
and the Perl modules somewhere in its own directory (see
also the RRDTool docu excerpt pasted in below).
In order to successfully use RRDTool with Big Sister you
have got 3 alternatives:
- put the "rrdtool" binary into a directory Big
will find it, e.g. copy it over into /usr/bin (this will
make Big Sister use "rrdtool" - you will still get
complaints about the missing perl bindings, but you can
ignore them)
- edit the "etc/resources" file and adjust
Big Sister's
path in order to find the "rrdtool" command
- install the Perl modules where perl programs will find
it, e.g. invoking "make site-perl-install" (see below)
4.mrtg 사용.
기존에 mrtg가 운용되고 있어야 가능하다.
cd /usr/share/bigsister/etc/resources
#added for mrtg test
추가 후
vi /etc/bigsister/uxmon-net
localhost prefix=localhost_2 column=internet maxlev=10485760 bits=1 mrtg
accepted arguments are:
column (the Big Sister display column)
prefix the MRTG monitored entity
warnlev the level at which a warning (yellow) will be
paniclev the level at which an error (red) will be raised
maxlev the maximum level (used for percentage values)
units self explaining?
intext dto.
outtext dto.
메뉴얼이 비교적 자세히 나와있어 사용하기가 유용하다.
## uxmon-net
# Agent Configuration File
# The Big Sister Server expects communication
# every 10 minutes or server is considered down
# Set the default SNMP community to "public", the
# Set default frequency to 5 minutes for "ALL" checks
# KEYWORD Default settings Apply To TEST
#------------- --------------------------- -----------------
DEFAULT community=public frequency=5 perf=5 ALL
DEFAULT version=1 proto=udp rpc
DEFAULT proto=fping ping
# Information about defined systems to monitor using DESCR command.
#--------- -------------------------- ------------
DESCR features=unix,linux localhost
# DESCR features=unix,sysv,solaris someotherhost
# Run the following tests.
# Note: host1(host2) is reported under host2
# Note: host can be an IP address
# Report Host Health Test List
#------------ -----------------------------------
localhost load memory network cpuload
localhost speed=100Mb/s network
localhost disk ping
localhost syslog
localhost proc=mysqld-max procs proc=sshd2 procs proc=gamed procs
localhost users
# EDIT THIS, replace localhost by the name or IP address of your Big Sister server
# BigSis Server bsdisplay /options
#------------ -----------------------------------
#localhost bsdisplay bsdisplay
# include file for specific hosts, do not name it uxmon-net.* as a new
# process is started for every file matching that pattern
include include_checks.$HOST
# Agent Configuration File
# The Big Sister Server expects communication
# every 10 minutes or server is considered down
# Set the default SNMP community to "public", the
# Set default frequency to 5 minutes for "ALL" checks
# KEYWORD Default settings Apply To TEST
#------------- --------------------------- -----------------
DEFAULT community=public frequency=5 perf=5 ALL
DEFAULT version=1 proto=udp rpc
DEFAULT proto=fping ping
# Information about defined systems to monitor using DESCR command.
#--------- -------------------------- ------------
DESCR features=unix,linux localhost
# DESCR features=unix,sysv,solaris someotherhost
# Run the following tests.
# Note: host1(host2) is reported under host2
# Note: host can be an IP address
# Report Host Health Test List
#------------ -----------------------------------
localhost load memory network cpuload
localhost disk
localhost ping
localhost port=22000 service=ssh tcp
localhost syslog
localhost url=http://www.za.com/index.html perf=10 http
localhost proc=httpd procs proc=sshd procs
localhost users
# EDIT THIS, replace localhost by the name or IP address of your Big Sister server
# BigSis Server bsdisplay /options
#------------ -----------------------------------
localhost bsdisplay
# include file for specific hosts, do not name it uxmon-net.* as a new
# process is started for every file matching that pattern
include include_checks.$HOST